Intersections form a key component of the urban commuter experience- they are connectors for vehicles and crossovers for pedestrians. With street design in India gaining traction, an interim measure of constructing safe intersections in Mumbai by the MCGM has been facilitated by WRI India. Our designs for six intersections within the G-North Ward, include intersections of Mahim Station, Mahim Dargah, Professor Pinge Chowk, and along the famous Sivaji Park in Dadar. All designs factor in safe pedestrian crossings with the shortest distances, pedestrian refuge areas in wider roads, accessible traffic islands, appropriate geometric turning radii for ease of vehicular movement, speed calming measures and appropriate provisions for vehicular parking.

  • Project Area

    6 Intersections, G North Ward

  • Status

    Ongoing - Construction

  • Collaboration

    WRI India, World Resources Institute